Remote heater control
Operate and monitor multiple devices from a central location.
Centralized control of your devices
Tracsis switch and third rail heater remote control system will enable users to handle multiple devices at once. It enables them to monitor and operate switch heaters, snow melters, and third-rail heaters - all from a central location.
Reduced costs - improved performance
Implementing centralized remote control can result in a dramatic reduction in manual labor and energy costs. That's because heaters are only energized when necessary by Tracsis configurable DOC® control software. This intuitive system also increases rail reliability, whilst improving safety performance. Good for you, great for the environment.
Improve productivity and safety
Tracsis wireless remote control technology eliminates the need for workers to perform the dangerous activity of manually operating switches and third-rail heaters. That's one less thing to worry about.
Real-time data and reporting
Each heater element is monitored in the system and logged to a file. These built-in diagnostics ensure maintenance personnel always have the data they need before going out to the field. And if a failure is detected? It's alarmed and serviced before it affects train movement. Reassuringly, one step ahead.

Benefits of Tracsis remote heater control
- Higher productivity because of the centralized and remote nature of heater control
- Rapid return on investment due to power savings and safety improvements
- Lower energy costs through intelligent cycling of heater element controls
- Complete command of heater automation when integrated with weather data service
- Seamless retrofit to existing in-service heaters through wireless control